

Who we are?

Vackov k.s., with registered address at Havlíčkova 1030/1, Nové Město, 110 00, Praha 1, Company ID 282 19 031, registered with the Municipal Court of Prague, file ref. no. A 80706.


Our contact details:


On this website we operate with cookies. For more details please see this document.


What are cookies?

Cookies are text files that our website sends to the browser of your device which you use for browsing through our website (for example phone, tablet, computer, etc.). They allow us to recognize you and customize our website accordingly, analyse your behaviours, display certain content, etc. For more information about inpidual cookies please see below.


What types of cookies do we use?

  • Technical, functional - these are necessary for us to display the website and so that it works as intended.

You will find specific cookies and more detailed information about them in the table at the end of this document.


On what basis do we process cookies?

We can work with technical and functional cookies on the basis of legal regulations. Without them, we would not be able to provide you with our services safely and correctly.


We would also like to mention:

Even a third party may also work with your cookies, if you give us your consent. For the list of the third parties please see below.

Personal data processing takes place within the territory of the European Union. If processing also takes place outside the EU, then it must be in compliance with the relevant legislation (exceptions must be approved by the European Union).

We do not have a designated data protection officer. 

When processing personal data, you have the right to contact us and require information about what personal data we process, request access to your personal data kept by us, have it updated or corrected, or request processing restrictions; in certain cases, you may request a copy of the personal data processed, request deletion of your data, or exercise the right to data portability according to the GDPR Regulation (Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council of the EU No. 2016/679). If you think that we are not handling your personal data correctly, you can file a complaint with the Office for Personal Data Protection or take legal actions to enforce your claims through the court.

For more information about our personal data processing click here.


Přehled cookies která využívá pouze skupina FINEP

NázevTypExpiraceCo dělá (účel)
PHPSESSIDTechnickáPři zavření prohlížečeNecessary cookies identify the user's visits to the website and maintain a link between the individual pages visited.
cookies_configTechnická180 dníNecessary cookies contain information about which categories of cookies you have given us consent to.
stats_idAnalytická300 dníContains user identification for analysing the user’s traffic and behaviour on the website. We can further improve the website thanks to the information gathered in this way.
stats_bufferAnalytickáPři zavření prohlížečeThis cookie temporarily collects data to analyse a user’s traffic and behaviour before sending the data for processing.




Personal data processing | Cookies



Vackov a.s., Company ID No.: 282 19 031, File No. B 13622, kept with the Registration Court in Prague. The company’s registered office is at Lannův palác, Havlíčkova 1030/1, 110 00 - Prague 1

© 2023 Vackov a.s.  | All information published in any way on this website is deemed to be marketing information of a general and non-binding nature, which cannot be construed as an offer to conclude a contract nor may it be relied upon. Specific contractual terms and conditions shall be conveyed at the registered office of our company. In the case of marketing actions advertising a price or a discount in any form, this action is always valid until stocks last.